

学校中文名称 约克大学舒力克商学院
学校英文名称 Schulich School of Business, York University
在外学习内容 课程学习、毕业设计
授课语言 英语
Exchange Program for Undergraduate Students

The selected students will spend 1 (one) term of either their third or fourth year at the host School, either the Schulich School of Business or the Beihang School of Economics and Management. A maximum of 2 (two) students will be exchanged in each direction each year. The number of students exchanged in any one year need not be the same, but a reasonable balance should be sought over a three-year period. Students who successfully complete the academic program of their home School as well as the courses at the host School, and meet other requirements as mutually determined by the Parties, will receive their degree from their home University.


Exchange Program for MBA Students

The selected students must meet the admission requirements of, and pass an interview conducted by, the host School. The selected students will spend one term of their second year at the host School. A maximum of 2 (two) students will be exchanged in each direction each year. The number of students exchanged in any one year need not be the same, but a reasonable balance should be sought over a three-year period. Upon successful completion of the academic program, students will receive their degree from their home University.


Language: Students must have a high level of proficiency in English. We assess a student’s proficiency through the following methods:

i) TOEFL Minimum score of 100 (minimum 23 on each dimension)

ii) IELTS Minimum score of 7 (minimum 6.5 on each dimension)

iii) Graduate applicants who have completed at least two years of full-time study at an accredited university in a country (or institution) where English is the official language of instruction are not required to submit an English proficiency test


More details:

   约克大学(York University)于1959年成立,位于加拿大多伦多市北郊约克区,现在已经成为拥有超过40000学生,总面积全加拿大第三的著名大学。学校可授予学士和硕士学位,开设了会计、经济、市场营销、国际贸易、音乐、心理学、化学、戏剧、哲学等专业课程。现在校生40000人,全职教师1125人,兼职教师800人。丰厚的学术奖励和高质量的研究项目是来自加拿大和世界各地的顶尖学者最终选择约克大学的主要理由。约克大学有五个图书馆,共计书籍和各类杂志两百万册。学校各种各种生活设施齐全,为学生的学习创造了良好的环境。


  多伦多(Toronto),位于加拿大安大略湖的西北沿岸,是加拿大最大的城市、安大略省的省会,也是加拿大的政治、经济、文化和交通中心,世界著名的国际大都市。东南邻纽约,东北邻渥太华,面积为7125平方千米。市区里有半数的居民是来自全球各国共100多个民族的移民,多元的族裔特色,使得这里汇集了世界上140多种语言,成为全世界最多元化的城市之一。2016年,多伦多市人口已达到592.8万。多伦多下属五个区,分别是西多伦多、约克区、东多伦多、北多伦多和西沙加 多伦多已连续多年被联合国人居署评为全球最宜居的城市之一。同时,多伦多也是世界上最安全、富裕和拥有最高生活水准的城市之一。
联系人 朱凯慧
联系方法 82316083/10334@buaa.edu.cn
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